Thursday, November 26, 2009


During the children's sermon at the Thanksgiving Eve service last night, Pastor Laura challenged the children to thank God more. As an object lesson, she gave them each a thank you card. At the end of the service, Clare Wittman had written out the whole card expressing her thanks and love. So today on Thanksgiving day, we share this lovely card in hopes it inspires you.

Clare Wittman

This blog entry was featured at the independent news site on Thanksgiving day. Click here to visit this link.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


"A Laughing Christmas." That's the name of year's Sunday school Christmas pageant. An original twist on the traditional manger scene program, this pageant promises to be the happiest you've ever seen with lots of laughs for everyone. It was written by Pastor Laura with an original song she composed with her husband. This and the other songs will be played live by our worship musician, Tom Bourcier. Pastor and the Sunday school teachers will be putting the pageant together in the next few weeks.

Though the kids have already started rehearsing the music for the pageant, the official rehearsals will be held December 6th and 13th from 10:00 a.m. until noon with lunch following. They will perform it for the congregation during worship on Sunday, December 20th at 9:00 a.m.

All kids ages 3 through 15 are welcome to participate. Please help spread the word so we can have a wonderfully large group this year. If you'd like to help by making and/or washing costumes, making lunch on the rehearsal days or putting together the treat bags, please let Susan Finley know. She can be reached at: 538-4625.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


At the congregational meeting held on November 22, the people of Our Savior's Lutheran voted to purchase a new, Kawai baby grand piano for the sanctuary. This instrument is being paid for with funds from the Stacia Peterson estate. Therefore, the piano will be dedicated in loving memory of Stacia and will be an enduring gift to the church.

The purchase was made from Martin's House of Pianos and Organs in Platteville, Wisconsin. Because the Kawai GM-12 model, was in stock, they were able to deliver it to the church the very next day. Pastor Laura and her husband, William; Vern Timmerman, and Don Thran were on hand to help at the time of the delivery, which was at 6:00 p.m. Monday night. The following are photos of the event taken by William and Laura.

The Martin's House of Pianos and Organs truck pulled up to the bottom of the stairs leading to the sanctuary. The side door stairway would have been shorter but there wasn't enough height in that stairwell to accommodate the piano on its side.

Jason, the piano delivery assistant, put the ramp out.

Owner, George Martin, prepared to bring the piano out of the truck.

Vern arrived to help Jason, George and William guide the piano up the stairs with the help of the piano-moving caterpillar.

It arrived safely in the narthex.

They pushed it on into the chancel area of the sanctuary.

Just then, Don Thran arrived (just in time to not have to help bring the piano in). He said he worked to time his arrival perfectly.

The legs were attached to the piano and it was put into this upright position.

The piano was prepared by George as Don supervised.

Then, Jason and George did some technical work beneath the piano getting the foot pedals installed.

Vern tried out the new instrument.

Then it was pushed into place while Pastor Laura supervised.

George demonstrated the sound of the piano by playing a bit.

Don and Pastor admired the piano. Notice the dried floral arrangement placed on the piano. This was made for the church by Donna Reed.

Then, the climate control system was fired up and Pastor used the special watering can to put water into it.

Here it is: the beautiful baby grand piano now gracing the front of the church. We all look forward to hearing its beautiful sound on a regular basis.

Monday, November 23, 2009


On Friday, November 20th, the Women of the ELCA at Our Savior's Lutheran held their annual fall bake sale. It drew a large crowd, provided a homemade baked goods and lunch for the community, and raised of money for the women's ministry, which will be matched by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

Doors at the Kerndt Brother's Community Center on Main Street opened at 10:30 a.m. The tables were filled with fresh baked treats including pies, cinnamon rolls, cream puffs, cookies, quick breads and more. A hot lunch was available of soups and sandwiches, coffee and cider. There were a few country store items as well. The new "Gather at the River" CD produced by Our Savior's was also available for a $5 donation. Below are photos of the event.

Bob Grover with his fresh loaf of bread.

The cashier's table

The "Country Store" table

The tables of baked goods

The hot lunch area and friendly servers

Shoppers pouring into the bake sale

Lee Bjerke and Grace Ziegelmaier greeted customers and handed out boxes

Carl Magnusson, happy about his hot lunch

The lunch area

Kim Timmerman with her sister

Karen Alexander after enjoying her lunch

The Women of the ELCA organization wishes to thank all those who made items and worked at the sale as well as those who supported the sale by coming for lunch and baked goods.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Our Savior's Lutheran Church released the album "Gather at the River" at a debut concert on Sunday, November 15th at 2:00 p.m. A tremendous crowd gathered to hear Horace Magnusson play selections from this recording and obtain their own signed copies of the album.

At the start of the concert, Pastor Laura Gentry introduced Horace to the eager audience.

Horace played selections from the album and additional numbers for about fifty minutes.

At the conclusion of his musical set, Horace received an enthusiastic, standing ovation from the enormous gathering.

A brief question and answer session was held to allow audience members to learn more about Horace's musical style as well as the process of recording an album. On man asked: "What inspired you to make this recording at age 90?" Horace simply laughed and pointed to Pastor Laura.

After the concert, Horace was busy signing his autograph on the albums while Betty Estebo assisted.

Many friends and family members were happy to be present at the concert and greet Horie and the church members during the reception.

Pastor Laura's father is pictured here greeting Horace.

Horace's son, Tom, explained how he keeps needing more albums to give his friends. He is pictured below visiting with Amber after the concert.

Monseigneur Ed Lechtenberg, long-time friend of Horie's, was happy to attend the concert.

Our Savior's member, Gayle Bahlmann, congratulated Horace during the reception.

Horace and his wife, Amber, were still smiling at the end of the exciting event.