Thursday, October 22, 2009


Our Savior's Lutheran Women of the ELCA group held their fall meeting on Wednesday, October 21. Here are some highlights from that meeting.

President, Kim Timmerman, conducted the meeting.

Mary Schweitzer gave devotions as well as the minutes and treasurer's report.

Grace Ziegelmaier gave the Mission Action report. In it, she explained that the health kits to be sent to Lutheran World Relief would be made by herself and Lee Bjerke.  Here is is pictured showing how the health kits are wrapped in towels.

Grace also reported that the Women of the ELCA had donated $25.00 and a number of "country store" items to the Sugar Creek Bible Camp Quilt Auction. The group has received a thank you from the camp regarding this benevolence. Over $23,000 was raised at that event. A donation was also given to the Camp EWALU Quilt Auction but no information has yet been received from that camp about how that event went.

At this time, the Women of the ELCA have decided not to do group quilting because the tables are now needed by the Sunday school. If individuals would still like to make quilts for donation to Lutheran World Relief, they can obtain batting from the supply currently being stored at Gayle Bahlmann's house. Hopefully, a number of quilts will still be made. The quilts that will be sent this fall are going to be displayed during worship this Sunday, October 25th.

The Annual Bake Sale was discussed. It will be held on November 20th from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Kerndt Brothers Community Center in Lansing. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will match the funds raised, which will also include money raised throughout the year at coffee hour. It was decided that this year, there will also be soup and hot sandwiches served in addition to baked goods and country store items. An advertising campaign was planned, which will include a newspaper ad, a free public service announcement on cable and announcements will be sent to other churches. Grace Ziegelmaier and Donna Thran will do the phone calling in order to get members to bring baked goods.

It was decided that the Women of the ELCA Christmas party will be held at Mary Schweitzer's home on Wednesday, December 16th at 6:45 p.m. Donna Reed will do devotions and Gayle will be in charge of fun games.

The women decided to make a donation of $100 to Helping Hands, a local agency that provides a variety of services to people in the community.

They also made a decision to donate to ELCA World Hunger in the form of their Good Gifts catalog. Through the "God's Global Barnyard" option, the women of Our Savior's will be giving a goat, 2 pigs and 10 chicks to families in need in various places in the world. At present, half of the world's population (about 3 billion) is going hungry. These gifts to the hungry are sustainable in that they will help families feed themselves for a long time to come. In making this gift, the women hope to inspire others in our church and community to do the same. The objective of the Good Gifts catalog is to get people to consider making such donations in lieu of gifts. This is a great holiday idea. To find out more information, click the link above. 

Then the evening's hostess, Betty Estebo, served refreshments.

Here are some of the ladies enjoying the pumpkin bars and other treats.

Mary Schweitzer, Lee Bjerke & Pastor Laura

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