Monday, March 10, 2014


This Lent, we have an exciting set of midweek services designed to move you into a deeper communion with God. Each service will also include the celebration of Holy Communion. Here is the schedule.

March 12: Prayer Around the Cross
This is a meaningful devotional service, which was developed at Holden Village.  It is filled with music, scripture and silence. During the service, people have the opportunity to come to a large cross on the floor, light a candle and pray.

March 19: Lectio Divina
This deliberate praying of the scriptures will move our hearts into quiet contemplation and peace. 

March 26: The Labyrinth
 This simple walking meditation is a spiritual tool for healing,  self-knowledge and finding our purpose in life. We will be setting up a labyrinth like the one pictured here. It is so large that it does not fit in our church building so we will meet that night in the Kerndt Brothers Community Center.

April 2: The Jesus Prayer 
Dating back to the sixth century, this short repetitive prayer, also known as the prayer of the heart allows us deep contact with the present moment. We descend with our minds into our hearts where we will reside.

April 9: Movement Meditations to the Songs from Taize
 These movements—gestures, bows and walking patterns—are easy to learn and are appropriate for all ages. They are set to beautiful songs and chants that allow us to meditate with graceful movements. They were developed by Carla DeSola, pictured above, director of Omega West, a liturgical dance company in Berkeley, California (and professor to Pastor Laura Gentry).

Each week, we will collect an offering at the Lenten service. All of these offerings will be sent to support the ELCA Malaria Campaign. Learn more at:

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