Sunday, September 18, 2011


On September 18, Lane Alan-Love Steiber, son of Andrea Love and Dexter Steiber, was baptized. Pictured above are his parents, Pastor Laura, his sister Dakota and sponsors, Detrick Steiber and Brittany Coleman.
Hallie Vinson received her first communion that day as well. She is pictured here with the cake made for her reception by Carol Schaefer.
Zoey Timmerman and Dakota Love-Steiber smile for the camera after the worship service.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Sunday, September 11, was Rally Day—the official kick-off for Our Savior's Christian Education program. During worship, the teachers were installed and everyone remembered their Baptisms in a special liturgy.

Dr. Mike Schweitzer is the teacher of the Celebration Class
(second through sixth grade)

 Carla Pleasants is the Confirmation Class teacher

 Vern and Kim Timmerman are the teachers of the Sunshine Class 
(preschool through first grade)

 The adult Bible study group 

Emilo Rathbun (above) is standing by the new attendance chart for the Celebration Class. Our Savior's Lutheran offers camp scholarships to all students who attend Sunday school regularly throughout the year. Emilio was one of the scholarship winners this past summer and so he enjoyed a week at Sugar Creek Bible Camp in Ferryville, Wisconsin.

Over the summer, the Sunday school area was refurbished with new ceramic floor tiling. The kids love the new space, which is also decorated with banners painted by the Sunday school a few years ago.

We pray that this will be another wonderful school year of learning and growing in faith, hope and love!