Sunday, December 20, 2009


Our Savior's Lutheran Church's worship musician, Tom Bourcier, performed a jazz concert called "Jazzed about Christmas" on December 20th. This concert raised needed funds for The Giving Tree, a Lansing outreach ministry operated through the Lansing United Methodist Church. Read more about this ministry.

A large crowd gathered for the concert of the celebrated jazz pianist, which was professionally recorded live by Brett Huus of Soundstrations studio in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

Here is a video clip of Tom playing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."

Photos from the event:


The Sunday School Christmas Pageant, A Laughing Christmas, was presented during worship on Sunday, December 20th. A marvelously large group of 25 children were involved. They are pictured above—double click the photo to see an enlargement.

The original pageant was written by Pastor Laura Gentry. It presented the Christmas story in a joyful way with lots of laughter. Below are photos taken by Pastor and her father, Burnell Smith.


Laughing Narrators—Ellicha Gage, Kaylee Lawson, Mason Libke, Louis Nguyen, Melony Orr, Sean Peters, Nicole Vinson

Mary— Allana Pleasants

Elizabeth—Emily Rethwisch

Joseph & Adult Jesus—Caelin Peters

Donkey—Nicholas Rethwisch

Baby Jesus—Chloe Magnusson

Sheep—Eden James, Ethan Schweitzer, Jack Schweitzer,

Kai Timmerman, Zoey Timmerman

Angels—Makayla Peters, Jazmine Rathbun, Soraya, Reyes, Laurel Scott, Hallie Vinson

Wise Men—Kyle Hitchins, Lucas Kerndt, Emilio Rathbun

Writer/Director—Pastor Laura Gentry

Assistant Directors/Costumers—Susan Finley, Jamie Horkheimer, Wendy Morris, Carla Pleasants, Lisa Rethwisch, Mike Schweitzer, LaVern & Kim Timmerman

Costumers—Wendy Morris, Judy Wood

Gift Bag Makers—Chris & Daryl Bolson

Pastor prays at the Advent Wreath to begin the pageant.

The whole cast assembles for the opening number: "We Wish You a Laughing Christmas!"

The confirmation class, adorned in "laughter hats" narrate the pageant.

Zoey and Kai Timmerman are smiling sheep.

The congregation looks on as kids perform.

A very "pregnant" Mary and a very "pregnant" Elizabeth act out the scene where the unborn John the Baptist leaps for joy in his mother's womb.

Joseph, Mary, the Baby Jesus and a dancing donkey (you know, just the way it is told in the gospels!).

The Holy Family

Angels, sheep and wise men congregate around the Holy Family.

Melanie Magnusson looks on proudly as her daughter plays Baby Jesus.

Mary struggles to hold up the Baby Jesus.

The view from the balcony

The wise men follow the star to Jesus, where they offer their gifts.

The confirmation class singing their number: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Jesus as an adult, talking about joy.

An ensemble sings "The Jamaican Noel" during the offering.

The cast sings the final number: "Merry, Merry Christmas" written by William & Laura Gentry.

Wise Man, Emilio Rathbun, smiles for the camera.

The cast re-assembles for the post-performance photo shoot.

Donkey, Nicholas Rethwish.

The grinning sheep.

Baby Jesus, Chloe Magnusson, is still on her best behavior as more photos are taken.

The baby is laid in the manger.

Gayle & Pastor goofing around.

The cold snow outside that morning.

The assortment of Christmas cookies served at the reception following.

Melanie Magnusson with her daughter, Chloe (a.k.a. Baby Jesus).

Thanks to everyone who helped make this year's pageant a laughing success! Ha ha ha!