Sunday, October 31, 2010


To help make our Reformation Sunday worship even more celebratory, assistant professor of music at Luther College, Richard Tirk, joined our church musician, Tom Bourcier, in playing hymns and providing special music. The two are pictured above.

During the course of the service, Mason James Darling, grandson of Daryl and Chris Bolson, received the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Pictured above left to right are Pastor Laura Gentry, Brett Bolson (sponsor), Anna Bolson (mother), Dustin Darling (father) with Mason, Kaylee Darling (sponsor) and Nathan Darling (sponsor).

We also received two new members during the Reformation service. They are Janice Clark and Gene Mueller (pictured with Pastor Laura above). We are delighted to have them join us in this part of the body of Christ.

Following the service, a reception was held with a beautifully decorated cake made by Carol Schaefer. It was a great celebration to conclude a very exciting worship.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this is the 25th year of it being so, Our Savior's Lutheran Church held a Breast Cancer Awareness Sunday on October 24th.

We celebrated the 5 members of our church who are breast cancer survivors and prayed for continued health for them. There were also prayers for the cure to this disease that affects about 2.5 million Americans. Information about breast cancer was disseminated and each worshipers was given a pink breast cancer awareness with "faith, hope, love" printed on it.